
#1 Intra1


Below these general data there is the fields list of model header: as far as possible the basic data are compiled according to what has been inserted into the 'Company' table. The flags that maintain a manual management regard: the first presentation and activity suspension or VAT rate variation as well as the subject section of presentation.

At the base of the window there are summary fields of bis, ter, quater and quinquies sections of model; lastly the selection related to the periodicity changes related to the declaration in use.

RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:

SaveButton through which it is possible to save the declaration.
Automatic CreationButton to refer to the guided procedure regarding data retrieve of sales area.
Creation from RecordsButton to refer to the guided procedure regarding data retrieve from ledger records.

BuildDate : 01 agosto 2013

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